Business Management Advisers to Privately Owned Businesses
Within small businesses, there tends to be only one or two persons who will make all management choices with regards to accounting, finance, personnel, processing or servicing, selling and marketing. This is done without the aid of internal specialists and often with detailed knowledge in only one or two functional areas. The term “knowledge or expertise gap” is an important area which has long been the point of discussion.
Having a full time finance executive or director is not an option for many privately owned businesses. Most often we find that business owners cannot efficiently handle financial matters which results in this part of the business becoming a burden, this is where an external service can help alleviate these issues.
Our clients often feel more secured and confident when they know that their financial affairs are being handled by a professional.
Many businesses face one or more of the following issues:
Rapid and uncontrolled growth resulting in cash flow shortages
Lower than anticipated profits
Lack of adequate finance
Insufficient financial and management information on which to base important business decisions
Lack of adequate management personnel and structure
Inadequate short and long term planning
Deciding whether to purchase another business or to expand
Issues such as these can be resolved with the appropriate information and advice.
Our aspiration is to be able to assist with the growth and maintenance of our clients business.