About Us
Our Mission
Our philosophy of client service which influences everything we do is to apply
our expertise and imagination to the development of our clients' businesses.
Quality service is our goal.
Quality is judged by our clients and therefore we continually seek to provide
the level and type of service our clients require.
Our Attributes
We are free of internal interest or bias; our objectivity enables us to better identify critical problems and to suggest proper priorities.
We bring to the situation vast knowledge and experience acquired through solving similar business problems.
Timely manner
Our results are usually in a timely manner, since we have no day-to-day responsibilities in the organisation.
We can more easily play "devil's advocate" and challenge current operating methods.
Cost effective
We are often more cost effective than hiring permanent personnel with the needed specialised knowledge. Further because our fees represent additional costs to the client there is an incentive to obtain maximum value for those costs.
We can function as independent sounding boards for business owners and executives who frequently feel isolated.

Steve Lockwood
Qualifications & Affiliations:
Member of Institute of Chartered Accountants Australia (ICAA) since 1981
Registered Company Auditor
Licensed Business Agent NSW
Registered Franchise Advisor
Licensed Mortgage Broker
Law Society of New South Wales
Professional Background
Steve Lockwood commenced his career with Arthur Young (now Ernst & Young), spending 2 years in audit and then 6 years in taxation. Steve then moved to Bird Cameron where he became a partner in 1984. In 1989 Steve left Bird Cameron to commence his own practice, and in July 2009 celebrated 20 years running the practice.
In 2006, Steve was presented with a Certificate of Recognition for achieving 25 years as a Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia. He has served as a Group Leader in the CA Program training young accountants, was on the ICAA Education Committee for 6 years and also set the ICAA Taxation Module Exam during this time. Steve specialises in taxation advice to businesses and individuals, however he is also well experienced in small business management having provided services in this area for over 35 years. In his role as a Business Broker he regularly provides valuations and appraisals of small businesses and advises on purchase and sale negotiations. In 2007 Steve started the business, Clarence Street Mortgages which now holds a full Australian credit license and deals in Mortgage Broking.

Working with Lockwood & Ward provides many benefits
Work life balance program in place
Competitive salary package and bonus
Regular progress review for career progression
Continuous training to develop skills and knowledge
Encouragement and support for further studies
Open and encouraging environment to share ideas and thoughts
Supportive team environment
Recognition for your contribution to our team and our clients.
Work with us
Graduates, Undergraduates and Work Experience
Are you looking for a firm that helps you achieve and succeed professionally? Our graduate, undergraduate and work experience staff members work closely with our senior staff to deliver services to our clients. We provide a supportive environment where you can develop your career. We offer you direct access to expertise and guidance to help you along the way.
Experienced Professionals
Lockwood & Ward offers experienced Accountants and Office Professionals the perfect platform to build a rewarding career. We place a priority on team work and shared knowledge and appreciate that you have expertise to contribute.
If you would like to make a difference to our clients and the communities in which we live and work, please contact us and attach your resume.